张祯 设计师

Graduated from Changsha University, majoring in art design, and studied at the Chinese Academy of fine arts. Vice president of Changsha Interior Designers Association, standing member of Hunan Interior Designers Association, member of interior design branch of China Architectural Society, Chinese registered interior designers, Hunan outstanding designers, national 100 outstanding designers, senior interior designers of China Decoration Association, etc

Excellent work award of China Interior Design Competition 2005 excellent work award of China Interior Design Competition 2005

Excellent award of 2006 China Interior Design Competition Biennale

2007 CIID Hunan interior design competition Bronze Award

Silver medal of 2009 cross strait interior design competition

Gold medal of 2010 China Interior Design Competition Biennale

Best Creativity Award of Hunan China interior design competition in 2010

Silver medal of model house in Hunan China interior design competition in 2010

2011 China Asia Interior Design Competition cutting edge Designer Award

Silver medal of 2012 Asian interior design competition

2013 China Interior Design Competition cup model room space example Gold Award

2013 outstanding achievement Designer Award of China Interior Decoration Association

2013 China interior design competition and Society Award (public space scheme)

< < ID + C magazine > >

The urban human settlements program has invited many special guests for interviews

Changsha Evening News, Xiaoxiang Morning News, Hunan Economic television and other media

China Interior Design Yearbook

2012 China Interior Design Competition Yearbook collection top travel magazine

Arts orginates from life, but higher than life.